IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

Thin Server RFS Server (TSRS)

This chapter describes Thin Server RFS Server (TSRS) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.001 Start func function_name, sh = socket_handle

Long Syntax: TSRS.001 Starting function function_name, socket handle = socket_handle

Description: This message is generated at the start of each function.



Short Syntax: TSRS.002 allocating_or_deallocating ctl_blk_name. old ( current_number), new ( new_number)

Long Syntax: TSRS.002 allocating_or_deallocating ctl_blk_name. old amount( current_number), new amount( new_number)

Description: This message is used to indicate that we are attempting to acquire more resources in order to fulfill a request or we are freeing resources which we currently do not need.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.003 Start func function_name

Long Syntax: TSRS.003 Starting function function_name

Description: This message is generated at the start of a function.



Short Syntax: TSRS.004 Func function_name failed, rc = return_code

Long Syntax: TSRS.004 Function function_name failed with rc = return_code

Description: A function returned an unexpected return code.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.005 Func function_name compl, rc = return_code

Long Syntax: TSRS.005 Function function_name completed. rc = return_code

Description: A function completed successfully and returned the value specified.



Short Syntax: TSRS.006 Alloc failed for control_block_name

Long Syntax: TSRS.006 Allocate failed for control_block_name

Description: There was not enough memory to allocate the specified control block.

Cause: Not enough memory available to support the number of clients.

Action: Reduce the number of clients or increase the amount of memory in the device.



Short Syntax: TSRS.007 NS ctl blk not found. corrID = corr_id

Long Syntax: TSRS.007 NS control block not found. correlation ID received = corr_id

Description: The TSF maintains information about each client which connects to it. Each time a client makes a request, the TSF needs to find its information, in this case, that information was not found. The corr_id is from the data frame which was received.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRS.008 Mas file svr rfs_or_login port not started

Long Syntax: TSRS.008 Master file server rfs_or_login port not started

Description: The attempt to establish the connection to the master file server was unsuccessful. This connection is necessary to properly validate that the thin server has the same version of the file as the master file server. Clients powered on when no master file server connection exists will get the version of the file which the Thin Server currently has.

Cause: Incorrect master file server IP address

Action: Verify that the master file server address is correct

Cause: No path to the master file server

Action: Verify that an IP path exists between the master file server and the client.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRS.009 Mas file svr rfs_or_login port started

Long Syntax: TSRS.009 Master file server rfs_or_login port started

Description: The connection to the master file server has been successfully established. The thin server will validate that it has the correct version of a file each time a file is opened. Also, if the Thin Server does not have a particular file, the request will be relayed to the master file server to be processed.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.010 Port mapper rply, use port port_number

Long Syntax: TSRS.010 Port mapper reply directing client to port port_number

Description: A client has contacted the thin server using RFS and the thin server has directed the client to the specified port for rfs or login activity.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.011 Port mapper req request_string is invalid

Long Syntax: TSRS.011 Port mapper request request_string is invalid

Description: A client made an invalid request of the port mapper.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.012 RFS cmd_or_reply = cmd_op_code ( cmd_name) rcvd for fh = file_handle corrID = rfs_correlation_id

Long Syntax: TSRS.012 RFS cmd_or_reply = cmd_op_code ( cmd_name) received for file handle = file_handle corrID = rfs_correlation_id

Description: A RFS/400 request was received. The file handle can be used to determine which file the request is associated with and the correlation ID can be used to determine which client issued the request.



Short Syntax: TSRS.013 Rcvd RFS rply( reply_op_code), exp( cmd_op_code)

Long Syntax: TSRS.013 Received RFS reply( reply_op_code), expected( cmd_op_code)

Description: An unexpected reply was received. The correlation ID is used to match replies with requests and in this case the correlation ID in the reply indicates that it is a reply for cmd_op_code and the reply is actually repl_op_code


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.014 Lookup cmd_or_reply ( file_name) rc( return_code) ( client_ip_addr)

Long Syntax: TSRS.014 Lookup cmd_or_reply ( file_name) rc( return_code) ( client_ip_addr)

Description: A file lookup request or reply was received. The lookup request will contain the file name for which information is being requested. The lookup reply contains the file information and an initial file handle. A return code of BD1 indicates that the file does not exist on the master file server.



Short Syntax: TSRS.015 8001 rcvd, rc( return_code), sh( socket_handle) cmd( rfs_cmd), file = file_name

Long Syntax: TSRS.015 8001(Return Code) received, rc( return_code), socket handle( socket_handle) cmd( rfs_cmd), file name = file_name

Description: The master file server returned an error to the client.



Short Syntax: TSRS.016 sckt call socket_function failed. hndl = socket_handle, errno = errno

Long Syntax: TSRS.016 socket call socket_function failed. handle = socket_handle, errno = errno

Description: A socket call failed. The socket call returned the specified error number (errno) which contains information as to the reason for the failure.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.017 sck call socket_function_name successful. hndl = socket_handle, rc = return_code

Long Syntax: TSRS.017 socket call socket_function_name successful. handle = socket_handle, rc = return_code

Description: A socket call completed successfully.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.018 sckt send_receive ( from) sh( socket_handle) rc( return_code) len( length) fh( file_handle) corrID( rfs_correlation_id)

Long Syntax: TSRS.018 socket send_receive ( from) socket handle( socket_handle) rc( return_code) len( length) fh( file_handle) corrID( rfs_correlation_id)

Description: A frame was sent/received successfully.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.019 sckt snd() cmd_name rply. rc = return_code

Long Syntax: TSRS.019 socket send() cmd_name reply generated by TSF. rc = return_code

Description: The thin server has generated a reply for the client's request. The request was not passed through to the master file server.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.020 sckt lost. sckt( socket_handle) rc( return_code) port( port_number) listening( listening_yes_or_no)

Long Syntax: TSRS.020 socket lost. socket( socket_handle) rc( return_code) port( port_number) listening( listening_yes_or_no)

Description: The socket connection was lost. This is a normal condition, connections are initiated and terminated on a continual basis.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRS.021 Open ( file_name) to ( disk_yes_or_no) by ( client_ip_addr)

Long Syntax: TSRS.021 Open file( file_name) to ( disk_yes_or_no) by ( client_ip_addr)

Description: A file was opened by the client specified. The second parameter indicates whether the thin server will attempt to serve this file or whether the master file server will serve this file.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.022 read offset(base= base_offset, rel= relative_offset), len( length)

Long Syntax: TSRS.022 Processing read offset(base= base_offset, rel= relative_offset), length( length)

Description: The client has made a read request.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRS.023 Conn est to ip_addr

Long Syntax: TSRS.023 Connection established to client at ip addr ip_addr

Description: A connection has been made by a client to the Thin Server RFS daemon.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRS.024 Conn lost to ip_addr

Long Syntax: TSRS.024 Connection lost to client at ip address ip_addr

Description: All of the TCP connections to the specified client have been lost.

Cause: Network error.

Action: Verify that the path between the thin server and the client is available.

Cause: Client was powered off

Action: none.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.025 Call ReadFileRequest() buf strt( buffer_addr) end( buffer_addr)

Long Syntax: TSRS.025 Calling ReadFileRequest() buf start( buffer_addr) end( buffer_addr)

Description: Calling the hard file to read a file from the local disk.


Level: C-INFO

Short Syntax: TSRS.026 Close ( file_name) by ( client_ip_addr), num_bytes bytes served

Long Syntax: TSRS.026 Close file ( file_name) by ( client_ip_addr), num_bytes bytes served

Description: The file specificed is being closed. The second parameter indicates the ip address of the client to which this file was served and the third parameter indicates the number of bytes which were served.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.027 Hndl based Lookup Req. hndl( file_handle)

Long Syntax: TSRS.027 Handle based Lookup Request. handle( file_handle)

Description: The client issued a handle based lookup request (most lookup resuests are name based) the the specified handle.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.028 snd() to( target_device) rfs_command for file_name (hndl = file_handle)

Long Syntax: TSRS.028 send() to( target_device) rfs_command for file_name (handle = file_handle)

Description: The specified RFS/400 command was generated by the thin server.


Level: C-TRACE

Short Syntax: TSRS.029 ctl_blk_type ctl blk destroyed. name = name_assoc_with_ctl_blk

Long Syntax: TSRS.029 ctl_blk_type control block destroyed. name = name_assoc_with_ctl_blk

Description: The specified control block is being destroyed.



Short Syntax: TSRS.030 Congestion snding, waiting num_seconds seconds to retry, errno = errno

Long Syntax: TSRS.030 Congestion sending, waiting num_seconds seconds to retry, errno = errno

Description: The RFS Server is experiencing congestion when attempting to send data. It pauses to allow the congestion to subside.



Short Syntax: TSRS.031 Req Ctl blk not fnd. corrID = corr_id

Long Syntax: TSRS.031 Request Control block not found. corrID received = corr_id

Description: When a reply is received from the master file server, the TSF needs to access information stored when the request to which the reply corresponds was processed. That information could not be found. The corr_id is the value of the correlation ID received in the data frame.



Short Syntax: TSRS.032 File ctl blk not found using search_type ( search_parameter)

Long Syntax: TSRS.032 File control block not found using search_type ( search_parameter)

Description: File control block could not be found. search_type indicates the method which was used to try to find the control block, which dependent on the type of frame received. search_parameter is the parameter input into the search algorithm.



Description: The RFS daemon has reached the limit of the number of client connections it can accept. If many clients have been re-booted on recently, then this condition should subside once the original connections time out. If this condition persists, then verify that the number of clients does not exceed the maximum allowed.

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